Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Betung Kerihun National Park Of Kapuas Hulu Regency West Kalimantan

Kerihun National Park is located starting from Hulu Embaloh districts inhabited by the Dayak tribe baloh park to perhuluan Kapuas Dayak tribes who inhabited forgiveness and havongan. Access only to the national park located Betung karihun Embaloh sub region upstream before the start cruising through the river rod Trakking is Embaloh. Most of the topography of the National Park Betung Karihun form of hills of the mountain ranges that connects Mount Betung Muller and Mount Kerihun as well as a barrier between the area of ​​Indonesia to Sarawak, Malaysia.

From the foot of the mountains Muller flowing small rivers which form the watershed (DAS), namely: Kapuas, Sibau, depth, and Embaloh Bungan which is the sole pathway for entry into the National Park area.

There are several attractions to be visited, namely Muller mountain ranges that perpetuates the name seoran explorers who discovered these mountains is a dutch warlord who eventually died in river rapids upstream connection bakang-Nanga Kapuas.Then Mount Kerihun and Mount Betung, ideal for hiking or rock climbing activities. Tekelan River, Sibau, depth, and Kanyau Embaloh, suitable for the hobby of fishing, watching wildlife / plant and cultural tourism. There is also a cascade Lapan, cascade Sun that is suitable for rafting with the difficulty level III s / d IV, with its climax in class V in the cascade of the Sun. Sedik river, Sungai Batang Pilung and Jaan is a waterfall and for observing animals and plants in the Cape Lokang, there are cliffs and limestone caves

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